Whenever I see a post here I feel guilty, because I should be writing here. I don't seem to have the words these days. I don't converse in English, either at home or office, and it remains a language acquired for reading- and writing long, contentious mails that end up in tired acquiescence. And then, I am deeply preoccupied with writing in Tamil, and fact is, everything I write in English sounds wrong. Probably you knew this already, but these are days of my awakening.
So I start off with a few sentences like this, and when I hit a roadblock, I don't seem to have the will or energy or even the wherewithal to go beyond it, I click select all and delete the whole thing. If it is paper, may be the feeling will be worse, because your failure is a physical presence, but with the computer, you are just a click away from closure of whatever you want to be closed.
I started out to write this post for kartikey, whose talks on music I read, but don't comment, because I don't seem to have the right words that would sound both true and appropriate. I do listen to some classical music online, so I find his posts helpful. Thanks Kartikey, I started out writing this post with the intention of thanking you, but could do this only at the end of the piece. Thanks again.
I shall continue to participate in this group blog till you say, 'No More, enough'!
You had a Tamil blog, where you translated texts/sayings into English. Reading about your Tamil language busyness, I am reminded of that.
"If it is paper, may be the feeling will be worse, because your failure is a physical presence, but with the computer, you are just a click away from closure of whatever you want to be closed."
True. Which is why paper may be good... you take care and focus better.
Yes Kartikey, it boils down to commitment, I feel. How hard you want to write, or how important it is to write. If it is not a need, you are easily distracted.
Thanks for reminding this.
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